
How To Connect Shift Register Multiplex

Display advertising plays a very importing role in marketing and there are several advertisement methods similar newspapers, posters, glow signboards, etc. but digital LED display boards are getting pop nowadays considering of their reliability and advantages. Although they are a little bit expensive however they are durable and customizable, similar the ad text can be changed easily whenever needed and they tin can also exist used as Digital Notice Lath at any public place. We previously used an 8x8 LED matrix with many boards to command the text displayed over it, today we will use the P10 display with Arduino.

In this tutorial we are going to use a 32x16 LED dot Matrix display module which is besides known as P10 LED Display Module to display a scrolling text by using Arduino UNO. P10 modules can be cascaded to build any size of the advertising board.

Required Components

  • Arduino UNO-ane
  • 32*xvi P10 LED brandish module-1
  • 16 Pin FRC connector-1
  • 5V DC,3 AMP SMPS
  • Connectors

Working of a P10 LED Matrix Module

P10 LED Matrix Module

A P10 LED Brandish Module is the well-nigh suitable for designing any size of outdoor or indoor LED display advertisement board. This panel has a total of 512 high brightness LEDs mounted on a plastic housing designed for best brandish results. Any number of such panels can be combined in any row and column structures to design an attractive LED signboard.

The 32*16 module size means that there are 32 LEDs in each row and 16 LEDs in each cavalcade. So there is a total of 512 numbers of LEDs present in each module unit.

Features of a P10 LED Matrix Module:

  • Brightness: 3500-4500nits
  • Max Power Consumption: 20W
  • Voltage Input: DC 5V
  • IP65 Waterproof
  • 1W Pixel Configuration
  • High Viewing Angle
  • High Contrast Ratio

Pivot clarification of P10 display module:

P10 Display Module

  • Enable: This pin is used to control the brightness of the LED panel, by giving a PWM pulse to it.
  • A, B: These are chosen multiplex select pins. They take digital input to select whatsoever multiplex rows.
  • Shift clock (CLK), Shop clock (SCLK) and Data: These are the normal shift annals control pins. Hither a shift register 74HC595 is used.

P10 Display Module Pinout

Excursion Diagram

Consummate circuit diagram for P10 module with Arduino is given below:

Arduino P10 LED Display Based Digital Notice Board Circuit Diagram

Arduino UNO and P10 brandish modules are interconnected as per the pivot mapping are shown beneath:

P10 LED Module

Arduino UNO















Digital Notice Board using P10 LED Matrix Display and Arduino Setup

Note: Connect the Ability terminal of the P10 module to 5V DC SMPS separately. It is recommended to connect a 5V, 3 Amp DC power supply to a single unit of P10 LED module. If you are planning to connect more than numbers of the module, and so increase your SMPS rating appropriately.

P10 LED Module programming with Arduino

Afterward the successful completion of the hardware setup, now it's fourth dimension to program Arduino. Consummate code for this 10 Led Display Arduino along with the video is given at the finish of this tutorial. The stepwise description of the code is given below.

Showtime of all, include all the dependent libraries in the program. Here we are using "DMD.h" Library for P10 led operations, download this library from hither and install information technology in Arduino IDE. Afterward that include the library for "TimerOne.h" which will be used for interrupt tasks. This library tin be downloaded from here.

Then, include all the required fonts library, in our case nosotros are using "Arial Black font" for the display.

#include <SPI.h> #include <DMD.h> #include <TimerOne.h> #include "SystemFont5x7.h" #include "Arial_black_16.h"

In the next step, define the number of rows and columns for the LED display board. In our instance we are using simply ane module, so ROW value and Cavalcade value volition be ane. And so define the font proper name- Arial_Black_16 for the text scrolling on display lath.

#define ROW ane #define COLUMN one #ascertain FONT Arial_Black_16 DMD led_module(ROW, COLUMN);        

Function scan_module() which checks for any incoming data from Arduino side through the SPI Terminals. If yes, then it volition trigger an interrupt pin for doing certain events.

void scan_module() {   led_module.scanDisplayBySPI(); }        

Inside setup() , initialize the timer and attach the interrupt to the function scan_module . Part clearScreen(true) is used to set all pixels are off initially to articulate the display board.

void setup() {   Timer1.initialize(2000);   Timer1.attachInterrupt(scan_module);   led_module.clearScreen( true ); }

Then, to brandish a string in the module, select the font using selectFont() function and impress a string message "Welcome to Circuit Assimilate" in the brandish using drawMarquee() role.

          led_module.selectFont(FONT);    led_module.drawMarquee("Welcome to Circuit Digest",25, (32 * ROW), 0);

Finally, to scroll the text on the LED display board shift the whole message from Right to Left directions using a certain time catamenia.

long commencement = millis();     long timming = start;     boolean flag = false;     while (!flag)     {       if ((timming + 20) < millis())       {         flag = led_module.stepMarquee(-1, 0);         timming = millis();       }     }        

Digital Notice Board using P10 LED Matrix Display and Arduino

So this is how you tin make a Scrolling Text Signboard using Arduino and LED matrix.

Complete lawmaking and demonstration video is given below.


#include <SPI.h>
#include <DMD.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include "SystemFont5x7.h"
#include "Arial_black_16.h"

#define ROW 1
#ascertain Column one
#define FONT Arial_Black_16

DMD led_module(ROW, Cavalcade);

void scan_module()

void setup()
led_module.clearScreen( true );
void loop()
led_module.drawMarquee("Welcome to Excursion Digest",25, (32 * ROW), 0);
long start = millis();
long timming = commencement;
boolean flag = false;
while (!flag)
if ((timming + 20) < millis())
flag = led_module.stepMarquee(-1, 0);
timming = millis();

How To Connect Shift Register Multiplex,


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